Tuesday, September 9, 2008

MAY (Part 1)

WAZZUP?!! This month, we took a couple of little trips. We went to the zoo and later (next post), we got to go to Las Vegas for a, guess what, dental convention!!! More on that later.
"Okay Jayden, you sneak around their base and distract them and I'll lob a grenade inside and we'll take 'em down!!" 'Time for dinner Adam!!' "Not now Mom, I'm busy!!"

This is a little trip to the zoo. Logan has been holding his poo for the last 4 days, but I think today's the day!!

Here's Adam's back side with a view of the Lion and Lioness just beyond the 3-foot thick glass.

Well, hello!! I've gotta' get me one of these in our backyard. Mom would never find me.



Linda said...

Cute, cute, cute pictures of the kids! And glad to see you are finally posting--I love keeping up with the nephews and nieces even though you live close by. Oh, and your flowing commentary with the pictures is quite funny!

jess said...

Aaron, it is a crazy path to how I found this blog, but hello! Your family is adorable. You have made me homesick for the desert. Take care!
-Jessica used-to-be West
in case you feel like spying on MY family: ragumuffins.blogspot.com

LucyH said...

Hey Erin! You are hilarious with your blog. I'll have to check back regularly. And your boys are adorable. MAybe we will see you guys sometime at the FRC?

MarshandKrissy said...

Aldste Goodman--Supp buddy. That's awesome to hear from you. We are up in Mesa just north of you. Small random world. I just took a peek at your blog...that looks like you guys have an awesome bunch of happy youngsters. We'll have to catch up some time. Keep me posted when you're headed up this way--